Galileto – Israel

I had a dream…
The dream to learn how to make ice cream and start my own business was born about 3 years ago while traveling in Italy.
About 3 months ago I made my dream come true and opened (together with a childhood friend) a small and amazing boutique ice cream parlor in the Galilee in northern Israel.
A lot of good people accompanied me, supported and encouraged me all the way but I have no doubt that the most significant, important and contributing move was going to study at “Gelato Natural Academy” under the direction and led by Manuele Presenti. I heard about Manuele from Sisi and Marco from “Arte” , the excellent ice cream parlor in Tel Aviv.
I came to Manuele without any experience and background in the field of ice cream, for the first time for a basic one-on-one course and a year later I joined the advanced course. In these courses I was exposed to a fascinating and meaningful world in everything related to gelato and I was also exposed to the techniques and balancing method developed by Manuele, all of which together actually gave me the strength, faith and professional knowledge and allowed me to dare to realize the dream.
Today, 3 years later I have an amazing place, mine, where I produce fresh gelato every day. The feedback is great and I’m really happy.
Thank you so much Manuele for helping me make that dream come true. I have no doubt that without “Gelato Natural Academy” this would have been much more difficult to impossible for me.
Many thanks also to dear Mariano, who was a full partner in the advanced course and to the wonderful Brigitte who was everywhere and took care of the small and important details.
Another thank’s also goes to Carlo Minuci from “Pozioni di Neve” the excellent ice cream parlor in Porto Santo Stefano who complied with Manuele’s request and agreed to accept me for an internship a few days after the one – on – one course and did so happily and with a big smile on my face. There is no doubt that this internship has contributed a lot to me.
And one more small thank’s to dear Fulvia from Via Ricasoli B&B who always provided a wonderful breakfast and a warm and cozy place to return to after a day of school or a long day of internship (I came to her on the advice of Manuele, another and so important detail that the school thinks about)
The field of gelato is relatively new to me, I learn something new every day and understand how much I still don’t know and I have no doubt that in the future I will return in one way or another to further training at “Gelato Natural Academy”.
I had a dream, “Gelato Natural Academy” helped me fulfill it.
In the meantime, I really enjoy my new way.
See you soon,